Apply as family

Family Application Form


More information about our fees can be found at the end of this form. If you answer as many questions as possible it will be easier to find a perfect match. When you fill in this form, you can only use characters from the English and Scandinavian alphabets (including Å, Ä, Æ, Ö, Ø, and Ü).

Please note that you must enter

  • the names of the father or mother in your family,
  • your nationalities,
  • your address,
  • your phone or cell phone number,
  • what you will pay the au pair each month, and
  • whether you will pay for the transfer trips.

This information is a minimum. We will not be able to process your application without it.

We wish to have a au pair *

MOTHER / FATHER (our main contact)

First name *
Last name *
Personal Identity Number *
Password *
Please choose a password for your account
Password validation *
Please repeat password
Nationality / Citizenship *


First name
Last name
Nationality / Citizenship
Address *
City *
Zip code *
Country *
Phone *
With country code
Phone at work
Cell phone
With country code
E-mail *
One valid e-mail address and nothing else, thanks!

We live in
Number of rooms not including kitchens and bathrooms
Will the au pair have an own room?
Number of members in our family *
Numbers of children

Please don't forget to enter the ages of your children below! It's an important question for most au pair candidates. This information will make it easier to find a perfect match.

Does your family travel often?
If Yes, will your au pair travel with you?
Are there smokers in your family?
Does your family have pets?
If Yes, what pets
Did your family have an au pair before?
If Yes, from what country? 
What year?
How Many Months?
How many days would your au pair work during each week?
How many hours would your au pair work during each day?


We divide the duties into two categories:
1) Child care duties
2) Household duties

1) Please list the child care duties
2) Are there any household duties?
2) If Yes, please list the household duties
Monthly Allowance / Pocket Money and currency
Please confirm that you will arrange for pickup of your au pair at her arrival at nearest airport/ train station. (Y/N)
If Yes, how could the transfer trip be arranged? Please name the nearest airport and/or station where you expect her to arrive. (Could you for instance drive the au pair from there?)
We would prefer an au pair who is (years old)
We would prefer an au pair who is able to speak
Other language skills required
The language we speak at home is
Will your au pair be able to attend a language class at your expense?
Will your au pair need a driving licence and the ability to drive a car?
Will your au pair have access to a car?
We need our au pair for (Months)


The countries on the list are sorted by number of au pair candidates. At the top of the list are the countries with the highest number of available au pair candidates.

We would prefer to have an au pair from
Give your future au pair a short description of your family (interests, hobbies, handicaps, distance to shops and the local train station etc):
English please and not more than 250 characters

Do you want us to present an advertisement on our web site? The ad will be anonymous. It will show

  • what city you live in,
  • whether you want a female or male au pair,
  • whether you require a driving licence or not,
  • the number of children in your family,
  • when you want your au pair to start, and
  • the short description of your family.
The ad will increase your chances of getting the perfect au pair fast
(Warning: If you select "No" your ad will be invisible!)
We recommend that you upload a good photo of the family. The photo will appear in the advertisement mentioned above


Once we have agreed on a specific au pair candidate, we will send you a contract for signing. It is essential that you sign and return this contract to us either digital or by regular mail to activate your three (3)-month warranty. Additionally, you will receive an invoice, which must be paid in full within 10 days.
Please accept that all au pairs introduced by our agency are under our services. It is prohibited to encourage them to violate their agreements with us.

Placement service fee, including the visa process for your au pair, is as follows:
• Sweden: SEK 6,700 (Incl. VAT)
• Denmark: DKK 5,2 00 (Incl. VAT)
• Norway: Currently Not Applicable

Loyalty discounts are for our returning families only:
• 5% discount for regular customers
• 5% discount if unused warranty
Our service fee includes a three (3) month warranty, covering one free replacement equivalent to the initial service provided. The warranty period is counted from the date of your au pair’s arrival at your home.

Paperwork fee, if you require assistance with paperwork only (excluding the warranty), please contact us for pricing.

Your data is safe with us. We comply with the rules in GDPR.
No fee charged for returning this form to us. You will be charged if and when you decide to host a specific au pair candidate.

Please check the check box below to accept our payment conditions:

Don't hesitate to call us if you have any questions:
+46 (0)8 551 070 57